Helping mums and babies for over 10 years to achieve their breastfeeding goals
Helping mums and babies for over 10 years to achieve their breastfeeding goals
Compassionate and evidence-based care for mother and baby in their first year
Compassionate and evidence-based care for mother and baby in their first year
Dual qualifications as a Medical Doctor (FRACGP) and Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
Dual qualifications as a Medical Doctor (FRACGP) and Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

Breastfeeding your newborn is like two people learning to dance together. Two individuals, each with their own rhythms and instincts, learning to coordinate with each other. Most of the time everything goes smoothly. Sometimes a bit of coaching and practice are needed. Infrequently, this doesn’t work out- so another dance style is chosen for mutual benefit and wellbeing. And that is just as beautiful.
I promise to be your coach and cheerleader and never the judge.
What Dr Julie can help with
About Me
Dr Julie Chang
MBBS (University of Melbourne 1998), FRACGP (2008), IBCLC (2012)
Being dually qualified as a medical doctor for 20 years and as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant for 10 years, Dr Chang can assess, diagnose, and manage breastfeeding issues and prescribe medication, investigate or refer If required in a single appointment. This means you will not need to take your newborn out for multiple appointments to see different healthcare providers for the same health concerns. This also reduces your overall healthcare costs. Specifically, Dr Chang provides perinatal lactation services to you and your infant, assisting you in achieving your breastfeeding goals. Infant settling advice can also be provided.
Acute medical care, pregnancy care or immunisations are not provided as part of the lactation/settling care.
It is very important to remain under the care of your usual GP and health care providers.