Whilst most infant feeding journeys and infant care only require gentle coaching, sometimes complex situations arise. Being dually qualified as a General Practitioner and Lactation Consultant, Dr Chang has the medical training to investigate, prescribe medications and/or refer to other healthcare professionals if required.
Pre-natal Lactation/Breastfeeding services
- Pre-natal breastfeeding education and preparation
- Inducing lactation
- Preparing for breastfeeding in setting of medical or surgical condition
- Diabetes and pre-natal expression of colostrum
Post-natal Lactation/Breastfeeding services
- Eliminate nipple pain
- Breastmilk supply concerns
- Reduce oversupply
- Recurrent mastitis
- Nipple and breast thrush
- Nipple vasospasm
- Breastfeeding and returning to work
- Expressing and storage of breastmilk
- Combined breast and formula feeding
- Breastfeeding and childcare
- Lactation suppression
Mother’s Postpartum Concerns
- Emotional wellbeing
- How do I get more sleep?
- Contraception and family planning
- Pelvic floor and continence care
Infant health care
- Baby weight and growth concerns
- Unsettled baby
- Infant sleep issues
- Upset tummy or Reflux
- Tongue Tie Assessment